Far North Soap only uses GreenPalm.
MOI International supports the production of sustainable palm oil through the GreenPalm programme.
This means that for every tonne of palm oil we use in the production of MOI Shortenings, Margarine and Premium Frying oils we have paid a voluntary premium to a palm oil producer which is operating within the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil’s (RSPO) strict guidelines for social and environmental responsibility.
Our customers can therefore be reassured that in continuing to buy MOI products, they are making an environmentally and socially responsible purchasing decision. GreenPalm is a certificate trading programme which is designed to tackle the environmental and social problems created by the production of palm oil.
Exclusively endorsed by the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), it works on the principle that the best way to encourage people to work in a sustainable and responsible way is to reward them for doing so.
How Green Palm Works
In order to understand how GreenPalm works you need to know that palm oil and palm kernel oil supplies from different plantations, mills and even countries are intermingled at each stage of the production and delivery process.
In other words oil which has been sustainably produced is mixed repeatedly with oil from unsustainable plantations. Under normal circumstances it is therefore impossible for palm oil purchasers to know exactly where their oil has come from and how it has been produced.
The GreenPalm programme works by bypassing the physical supply chain completely.
Here's How...
Palm oil and palm kernel oil producers which have gained RSPO certification are invited to register a quantity of their output with the GreenPalm programme. They are awarded one GreenPalm certificate for each tonne of oil which has been sustainably produced. They can then put those certificates up for sale on the GreenPalm web based trading platform.
Manufacturers or retailers of products containing palm oil or palm kernel oil can then bid for and buy those certificates on line, in order to support the production of sustainable oil. The palm oil itself is sold, processed and purchased in the usual way.
At MOI International we hope that eventually all palm oil and palm kernel oil will be produced sustainably, but until then the GreenPalm programme is enabling us to do something practical to support sustainable production practices.
Green Palm Success
GreenPalm is a very new idea and certificate trading is in its infancy. Nevertheless producers who are members of the programme and who have met the RSPO’s rigorous guidelines for social and environmental sustainability, have already earned substantial additional revenue for their efforts by selling GreenPalm Certificates.
We believe that this will encourage them to continue to produce sustainably and for others to follow their lead. Moreover, for each certificate sold a US$1 donation has been made to support the vital work of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil.
We at MOI International are proud to be among the first supporters of the GreenPalm programme, which we believe has the potential to make a real contribution to solving the environmental and social problems surrounding the production of palm oil.